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WatchGas PDM Single Gas Detector

Product Description:

The disposable PDM is a full-featured single-gas detector that offers you unequaled value. The PDM single gas detector is your daily monitor for hazardous environments, because of its high reliability and user-friendliness. The PDM is the most cost-effective way to ensure safety. It operates for up to two years, just turn on the device and it runs continuously — no need for battery charging and replacements of sensors and batteries. That means great reliability and no downtime. The PDM is easy to wear, the backside of the device has a strong metal clip to secure the monitor to a shirt, belt, or helmet. The PDM devices are compatible with WatchGas Docking Station and WatchGas IR-Link. Both devices provide the function to download the data of the PDM single gas detector. The 30 most recent events can be stored on a data carrier. Our PDM can be calibrated or bump tested manually. The PDM Multi Dock will automatically calibrate four devices simultaneously (up to 12 devices per minute), which reduces downtime and gas consumption. We also have a PDM Mono Dock available

  •     Lightweighted & Compact;
  •     Stores up to 30 events;
  •     Cost-effective;
  •     User-friendly;
  •     Unequalled value;
  •     2 years of use;
  •     IP-67;
  •     Fast bump tests with Docking Station;
  •     Visual, Acoustic and Vibration alarms.

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